Table of Contents
Let’s dive in and capture the beauty of this graceful flower together!
Hope you have fun!
Painting Tools
- Watercolor Paper: Arches Cold-Pressed Watercolor Paper
- Brushes: Escoda Perla #8 / Escoda Versatil #10
- Watercolors: For this beginner step-by-step watercolor tutorial series, I use Schmincke Horadam 24 Half-Pan Set. You can choose any brand and find similar colors.
White petals: Ultramarine + Burnt Sienna, Cadmium Yellow Light
Center: Cadmium yellow Light, Chromium Orange Hue, Burnt Sienna
Stem: May Green + Permanent Green Olive
1. Daffodil Sketch
Step 1: Draw a large and a small concentric circle. The larger one represents the outer boundary of the petals, while the smaller one defines the size of the corona.
Step 2: To create the corona, draw another circle slightly larger than the small one. Connect the top and bottom to form a cylindrical shape. These circles can slightly overlap—if they are too far apart, the corona might appear too long.
Step 3: Begin refining the flower’s shape. Add petals within the large circle, give the corona a slightly wavy, ruffled edge, and draw the stigma inside. Don’t forget to draw the stem!
Step 4: Once the shape is ready, erase the initial guidelines to keep the sketch clean and ready for watercolor.
2. Painting White Petals
How do you paint white petals? It can be tricky, but let me share my way to painting light-colored petals!
I usually use Ultramarine, Burnt Sienna, and ambient colors to create white objects. Ultramarine and Burnt Sienna combine to form a gray tone, and incorporating an ambient color helps create a harmonious composition.
However, this isn’t a strict rule—different subjects may require different color mixes. If I want a cool gray tone, I increase the Ultramarine ratio or mix it with Sepia Brown.
For this daffodil, I dilute Ultramarine + Burnt Sienna to create a light gray wash and add a touch of diluted Cadmium Yellow Light for the petals. Then, I darken some areas using a slightly deeper gray (by adding more Ultramarine) to enhance depth.
Finally, I apply Cadmium Yellow Light around the corona and, once the petals are slightly dry, use the tip of a watercolor brush to lift some lines, creating delicate petal textures.
3. Corona
In this step, use Cadmium Yellow Light as the base color for the corona. Then, mix in Chromium Orange Hue to create the corona’s folds and shadows.
To further enhance depth, use a mix of Orange + Burnt Sienna to darken the inner part of the corona.
For the shadow cast by the corona on the white petals, mix Ultramarine + Burnt Sienna to create a soft gray tone.
4. Stem and Details
In the final stage, use May Green + Permanent Green Olive to paint the stem. Then, add subtle gray lines to the petals, especially near the center, to enhance texture.
Do you like yellow flowers?
It’s truly delightful to see daffodils come to life on paper. From their pale yellow to vibrant golden hues and yellow-green stems, they evoke the endless vitality of spring.
Thank you so much for trying this tutorial. Feel free to share how your daffodil flowers turned out in the comments below.
If you have any suggestions for what I should paint next, let me know—I’m just as excited as you are for the next tutorial.
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