Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! What could be a better symbol of love than a rose? Today, let’s skip the pencil sketch and dive straight into creating a rose with watercolors!
Table of Contents
At first, painting a rose might feel intimidating, especially when capturing its intricate petals. However, with a few simple techniques and step-by-step practice, you’ll discover that it’s an incredibly soothing and enjoyable process.
Let’s get started!
Supplies list
Watercolor Paper: Arches Cold-Pressed Watercolor Paper
Brushes: Escoda Perla #8 / Escoda Versatil #10
Watercolors: For this beginner step-by-step watercolor tutorial series, I use Schmincke Horadam 24 Half-Pan Set. You can choose any brand and find similar colors.
May Green
Cobalt Green Dark
1. The outer petals of the rose
Today, we’re painting a soft pink rose with petals that are mostly white or light pink, accented by pink edges.
Let’s start with the outermost petals. I used a small amount of light yellow mixed with Magenta to paint two petals. Then, I added a tiny touch of purple to create subtle shadows on the petals. Finally, I applied Magenta along the edges for definition.
Now, let’s wait for this layer to dry.
2. More petals
Once this layer is dry, I repeated the process by first painting two more petals with a light pink base. Then, I used a more concentrated pink to deepen the edges.
On the right-hand petal, I painted a petal curling outward. The top part of this petal remains brighter with a soft base color.
Next, I added the fifth petal, which is closer to the center. Since it’s deeper inside the rose, the color is more saturated. I used a darker pink to enhance its edges and base.
And there you have it! Without sketching beforehand, we’ve painted a soft pink rose. Let’s move on to adding some details…
3. Sepals and Stem
For the sepals, I used Cobalt Green Dark mixed with a bit of May Green. I darkened the base of the flower and the tips of the sepals for depth.
After finishing the sepals, I used the tip of the brush to lift fine lines, mimicking veins.
Important: Make sure your brush isn’t overloaded with water, or excess water might flow onto the paper.
Let’s finish by adding the stem! Since I wanted to create a softer, blurred effect to keep the focus on the flower, I first applied water to the area where the stem would be. After waiting for about half a minute, when the paper was less wet (no longer glossy), I painted the rose’s stem.
And with that, we’ve completed our soft pink rose! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial!
Painting a rose in watercolor is both a creative and meditative experience. Starting without sketching with a pencil might make you feel a bit nervous, but with a few attempts, you’ll definitely get better and better!
By layering soft washes, adding vibrant details, and embracing the natural flow of watercolors, you can achieve a stunning and lifelike floral masterpiece.
Thank you so much for following this tutorial, and I hope it brought you both guidance and joy in your watercolor journey.
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See you in the next tutorial!
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